Ketchikan Wellness Coalition

Community Solutions for Health Equity > Service > Ketchikan Wellness Coalition

The Ketchikan Wellness Coalition aims to increase the quality of life for Ketchikan’s residents. We support initiatives that address all 8 dimensions of wellness.

The Ketchikan Wellness Coalition seeks to address the inequitable healthcare access that the Filipino population experiences. Lack of cultural understanding and approach in providers, policy and procedure decisions not including Filipino voices, and minimal resources to address unique issues affecting this population is exacerbated by the cultural values and historical socio-economic position of the Filipino community. They propose to engage a coalition of individuals, healthcare providers, and other community stakeholders to do some “deep work” in exploring and subsequently changing the systemic nuances that drive inequitable care for this population. With a grass roots, community-led approach they will identify solutions that work for the community and for providers, ensuring a just and culturally responsive health care system.

CSHE helps leverage the skills, knowledge, and assets of community members, organizations, businesses, and government to increase capacity and improve outcomes around key issues affecting.