Southern Birth Justice Network

Community Solutions for Health Equity > Service > Southern Birth Justice Network

Midwifery care is holistic, healing, and humanistic. It has a rich herstory and legacy in communities of color. Southern Birth Justice Network’s vision is to make this care accessible to all peoples- especially Black, Brown, youth, immigrant, indigenous, LGBTQ+, low- income and other marginalized communities. Their mission is to expand Birth Justice by using storytelling, popular education, and community organizing to improve access to midwifery and doula care.

Southern Birth Justice Network works across Miami-Dade County to build relationships with local decision-makers and advocate for policy change around birth justice issues. They seek to address the dangerous maternal health outcomes disproportionately impacting Black and Brown women and birthing people in Miami-Dade County, Florida. To shift Jackson Health Hospital culture, protocols and policies that reflect institutional racism, they engage in provider education, community organizing and leadership development, and enforce hospital accountability.

CSHE’s funding helps Southern Birth Justice Network secure equipment and materials for their Mobile Midwife Clinic and will also allow them to host initiatives for the community without having to charge community members.