West Marion Community Forum

Community Solutions for Health Equity > Service > West Marion Community Forum

West Marion Community Forum, Inc.‘s (West Marion Inc.) mission is to enhance the quality of life of our residents and overcome racial barriers by building bridges in McDowell County. They accomplish this by showing compassion, advocating for policy and systems change, promoting economic development, sharing resources, empowering youth, and creating equitable outcomes for all. Their vision is for a healthy and equitable McDowell County. A place where residents are engaged to become leaders to create change through new businesses, empowered youth, affordable housing, teaching gardens, and a community center that honors their ancestors and creates opportunities for their future.

The purpose of the West Marion Community Forum, Inc. is to create brave spaces for community members to share their stories, speak brutal truths, voice ideas, and build collective power to advance real and lasting changes. They support community identified priorities related to healthy eating and active living, childcare, housing, youth engagement, community engagement, immigrant justice, economic development, and health equity. They partner with historically-excluded communities of color and institutional leaders at Mission Hospital McDowell to advance more culturally informed mental and behavioral health policies and practices. They to foster collaboration between grassroots and hospital leaders to co-create culturally informed mental and behavioral health policies, engage hospital staff in racial equity training, review current health policies and care delivery models at Mission Hospital McDowell, and implement new policies that integrate the findings from the partnership.

CSHE plays a significant role in supporting West Marion, Inc. by providing resources and insights that promote diversity and inclusion, by highlighting the importance of representation and leadership from people of color. CSHE helps broaden perspectives and encourage new approaches to leadership. This emphasis on recognizing the value of diverse voices and lived experiences leads to more inclusive and equitable environments within higher education and beyond.